Dr Nell
Knee Arthroplasty
also called knee replacement surgery, this surgical procedure aims to restore joint function. Dr Nell removes damaged portions of the knee joint and replaces them with prosthetic components.
ACL Repair
performed to treat a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), most commonly caused by sport-related injuries that involve sudden stops and direction changes.
Arthroscopic Knee Surgery
using a tiny camera called an arthroscope, Dr Nell is able to view the knee joint and diagnose or treat knee pain with minimal incisions.
Patella Dislocation Repair
a patella (kneecap) dislocation occurs when the bone shifts out of place. Dr Nell will move the bone back into place and repair torn ligaments.
MPFL Reconstruction
during medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction, Dr Nell creates a new MPFL ligament to replace the damaged one.
Meniscus Repair
during this procedure, Dr Nell sews torn pieces of cartilage back together to allow them to heal on their own.
Multi-ligament Surgery
this procedure involves replacing injured ligaments with new ligaments that are constructed from the patient’s own tissue, called an autograft, or from donor tissue, called an allograft.
Cartilage Surgery
this procedure aims to repair damaged cartilage to reduce knee pain, improve function of the joint and prevent further damage.